This application requires Minecraft PE (v0.8 - 0.9). It has partial support for 0.9.1 saves (all major functions works fine, but mob editing and map rendering is not yet implemented). And I do not recommend you to edit worlds, which you played at 0.8.1 after you oppened them in Minecraft 0.9.1 - they may start to crash your game.
Minecraft Toolkit is an app for easy Minecraft Pocket Edition saves editing. Get maximum delight from playing with minimum time waste! Change world options, get any items you want, edit mobs! Become the Real God of Minecraft!
Map renderer: generate cool-looking images of your world!
World options editor:
You can edit world name, game mode (survival/creative), time, move spawn coordinates etc.
Player options editor:
Change player coordinates, health, turn on invulnerability and flying.
Inventory editor:
Get any item you want (for example diamonds), repair your tools, put 255 items in single inventory slot and even get items, which are impossible to obtain without this app (sponge, jungle sapling, double slab etc.)
Mobs editor:
Add animals and monsters to your world, delete them, turn them into babies and back into adults, change sheep's wool color etc.
Key words: cheats, inv editor, invedit, hack