865 icons
2 kinds of wallpapers
Android version 2.0 or higher
applies to the resolution of 480*800 or more.
Jellybean support
Go launcher theme, Adw launcher theme,
Apex launcher theme, Nova launcher theme.
compatible icon pack of all.
Does not support the game icon.
Icon in the future will be added steadily.
How to apply the theme, see the video.
Or please refer to the description below.
How to use Go Launcher theme
Before using the GO Launcher theme
GO Launcher EX or
GO Launcher HD install.
After install the Go Launcher theme,
Touch the open button from the market.
Or After moving into a Go launcher home
Menu button - Themes - go to the Installed tab
Select the theme you have installed,
and then click Apply.
If the icon does not change,
application icon want to change,
after application icon and long time touch
in Icon tab please change to the desired icon.
How to apply ADW theme
Menu button - ADWSettings - Themes
After selecting the theme of your choice,
touch the Apply button at the top.
How to apply Apex theme
Menu button - Apex settings - Theme settings
After selecting the theme of your choice,
touch the Apply button.
How to apply Nova theme
Menu button - Nova Settings -
Look and feel - Icon Theme
Select the theme and apply.