## OGQ Backgrounds HD has hit 50,000,000+ DOWNLOADS worldwide! ##
Backgrounds HD offers free wallpapers from artists all over the world.
вњ” 50,000,000+ users worldwide
вњ” 6,000+ wallpapers hand picked by OGQ to personalize your phone screen
вњ” New wallpapers and images every day
вњ” All photos display artist and license info and link back to their original source
вњ” Crop and set wallpapers within the app to fit your screen
вњ” Check out what's hot - daily, monthly and all-time.
вњ” Mark your favorites and manage download history.
вњ” Save the images to your album
вњ” Search easily through related tags and 30+ categories
вњ” Share beautiful wallpapers with other apps and people (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, We heart it, Line, Whatsapp, Kakao, WeChat and more)
вњ” Submit your own photos to spread them all over the world.
Get to know SNS “Surprice”, another master work by team OGQ.
✔ What would it be like if we had price tags of the subjects included in our daily photos? Like foods, fashion, travel, gifts…
вњ” Worldwide price sharing SNS , make a search "Surprice" in Google play.
Backgrounds HD on Flickr
- Be a Backgrounds artist by submitting your work to our Flickr group
- https://www.flickr.com/groups/backgroundshd
Backgrounds HD on Facebook
- Like and share our facebook page to get the latest news from OGQ
- https://www.facebook.com/backgroundshd
Contact us
- support+and_backgrounds@ogqcorp.com
Copyright В© 2011-2014 OGQ Corp., Inc. All rights reserved.
Tags: Backgrounds, Wallpapers