IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Theme is only for Custom Roms which have Theme Chooser / Theme Engine. This theme is optimized for xhdpi, xxhdpi. Lower Dpi are not compatible and some things will appear broken. Made for for CM11 and PA and other roms with CM11 Theme Engine.
For better readabilitychange Font Size to Large Settings>Display>Fontsize
Pyrrha The Definition of Elegance is a theme pack containing gleam and flat UI elements. It is for those who want a bright and gleam colored Android experience. Pyrrha is inspired by the new material design concept but keeping light colors shades. This theme was made high quality elements and great detail to look the best on your favorite devices.
Original Wallpaper (Main & Lockscreen)
Animated check mark and radio buttons
Reworked Framewrok
Fonts (KK)
Original Softkeys
Google Play Music
Google Keyboard
Toast Frame
Volume controls
Notification panel
Hover and Heads up
Pi Control
Cm Ribbon bar
And a lot more...
This is just the starting more stuff will be added too in the future updates.
NOTE: Please reboot your phone after applying the theme.
If any error occurs please delete and re install it.
Before updating it is advised to change to Holo theme first then install the update.
Bugs- Keeps installing even after installation is done.
Solution- Restart your device.
The Phone template is by Basspixel.
Check the site out very cool stuff.
For updates,questions and bugs contact me at
Email: a2mughal143@gmail.com
Follow Me: http://goo.gl/0S7qDV
Please rate and write a comment if you like my work and take some time to share with your friends. Will be greatly appreciated. :)