SMART CALCULATOR is possible to calculate the most accurate in the world smart calculator. (A calculator for Android.)
International standard numeric format support (by country) - group symbols, grouping size, decimal symbol (user settable)
Various calculations, the necessities of life, such as the tip calculation, N division, unit conversion function includes
в—Џ Basic calculator
в?† Calculator Description
COPY/SEND/RECO : Copy to the clipboard the calculated value / Transfer / Recommendation
CLR : Clear the calculated value
MC : Memory Cancel
MR : Memory Return
MS : Memory Save
M+ : Memory Plus The calculated value
M- : Memory Minus The calculated value
MГ— : Memory Multiply The calculated value
MГ· : Memory Divide The calculated value
Mod : Modulus Operator - the remaining value (Remainder)
+/- : 1.Negative input 2.Positive and negative conversion
- Shake the device to initialize calculation screen (CLEAR function)
- Keypad Vibration On / Off function
- Keypad typing sound On / Off function (sound volume in the sound settings of the machine settings)
- Provide memory calculation function (MC, MR, MS, M+, M-)
- adjustable decimal size
- Set custom converter supports
Grouping adjustable size
Group separator can be changed
Decimal separator can be changed
в—Џ Tip Calculator and N Split
- Tip calculator and N partitioning
- Adjustable tip percent
- Adjustable personnel division
в—Џ Unit Converter
- Supports conversion of various units as follows:
Tags: Smart, Calculator