Materia CM11/PA Theme works only with a custom ROM including New CM11 Theme Engine.
After applying the theme reboot your phone to make sure it gets fully applied.
If you are experiencing any issue please email me first before leaving a negative rating. Thank you!
Materia is optimized for XXHDPI & XHDPI devices.
To know your screen density, you could go to: http://goo.gl/alcpMv
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Attractive Material Indigo and Pink Colors
- Material Design Elements
Materia Includes:
- Material Design Clean Dialog and Alert Windows
- Material Design Buttons, Checkboxes
- Material Design Switches
- Materia Icon Pack (Only system and some popular social apps)
- Materia Navigation Bar Keys
- Framework
- SystemUI
- Settings
- Dialer, Incall UI
- Keyboard (AOSP/Google)
- Clock
- Hangouts
- Gmail
- Apollo
- CM File Manager
- DSP Manager
- Calendar
- Volume Panel
- New Material Roboto Font
- Wallpaper
and much more!
IF you get an error -110 or error -24 during update the theme plase following this steps:
1. Uninstall the theme
2. Go to /data/data/ and delete the entire directory "com.onurakturk.materia"
3. Reboot
4. Reinstall and apply theme
5. Reboot
CyanogenMod 11 Users:
If you're using CM11 Ribbon tiles do this please: Settings > Notification Drawer > Size > "Big"
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