Jellybean, kitkat support в?…в?…в?…
Produced again for Jellybean & kitkat. It tested through five kinds of device. so,you will feel the high quality.
Test Equipment : Samsung GalaxyS 2,3,4,5, LG Optimus G pro, G2, Pantech Vega6, Iron, screet up, HTC ONE, Nexus 7....
- 1300 high resolution icons(140*140 pixel)
- 10 wallpapers
- 10 app drawer wallpapers
- SD memory card support
- widjet download - developers other app
в?…в?…в?… How to use в?…в?…в?…
1. apply a theme : menu/themes/click installed/choice theme/press apply button.
2. bg change : menu/preferences/background/wallpaper, app drawer backgrouds, / dock backgroud change.
* After Go launcher EX installation, press the Home key. And check the Go launcher.
if you have any questions, send mail to will105050@gmail.com. thank you.